Through this unique breakdown, all Ellene humans must acknowledge the greatness of their cosmos as well as their own greatness. Everyone is able to acknowledge the greatness of their cosmos as unique and true and as a part of their own greatness. They are the Jewel* «ΚΟΣΜΗΜΑ» of the cosmoses, originating from the primordial Beginning of their Ellania Creation. As the Jewel of the Ellania cosmoses, the Ellene human being is the seventh (7th) Ellanio creation.
As mentioned at the start, all Ellene humans have to comprehend that there is not just one cosmos, but tens of thousands of cosmos-triads called “Ellania cosmoses” within the single Ellania Cosmo-theasis:
Cosmo-Theasis: “Observation of the cosmos, sighting of the divine cosmic-Creators and all divine creative forces, sighting of the Gods, observation of all Creators and the creations of the cosmos and the cosmoses within the cosmos and every other cosmos that is created and enters the Ellania theasis. All these are part of Ellania Cosmotheasis, containing “Justice”* and the creative right of “Freedom” within their Cosmotheasis. Everything can be seen, absolutely everything is clear, everything is in public view, everything is within Ellania Cosmotheasis”.
Don’t be in denial!! Ellene human, remove yourself from the dark places of your oblivion and non-existence! Ellene human, the time has come to understand that the infinite Ellania Cosmotheasis cannot become a dogma, religion, group, a law made by humans, cult or other deceitful and ridiculous apostate manifestation which clearly exists today in our earthly environment.
Excerpt taken from the Sacred Ellanian Texts. DOWNLOAD FREE FROM HERE THE ELLANIOS COSMOS 600
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